The North Caroline High School (NCHS) Leo Club was recognized at the February Board of Education meeting for outstanding service to the community.
Leo clubs are a youth organization of Lions Clubs International. Leo clubs encourage students to develop leadership qualities by participating in social service activities. They are dependent on a Lions club to sponsor and initiate the student club.
Board President Rick Barton is a member of the Ridgely Lions Club and was a part of the contingent that initially approached NCHS staff about starting a Leo Club. Board Member Donna DiGiacomo was a teacher at the time and stepped up to become the club’s first advisor. Dakota Kellenmeyer, NCHS Leo Club’s first president, was in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Kellenmeyer has since graduated and is now a member of the Ridgely Lions Club. The club’s current advisor, teacher Anne Livingstone, was also there to support the students.
Mr. Barton said that many events that happen in the community such as the Ridgely Winterfest would not have been possible without the efforts of the Leo Club. “Their labor, efforts, and brain power made the event happen,” he shared. He added that the Leo Club also raised supplies and funds for community organizations such as the Caroline Humane Society.
“The kids always amaze me, and they’re always wanting to do more for the community,” Mrs. DiGiacomo said. “Groups in Caroline County know that if they need help, they can contact the Leo Club. They have literally put in thousands of hours of volunteer efforts.” She advised the students in attendance to give themselves a pat on the back.