Important information regarding Winter Sports!
Please join us in welcoming Lee Hutchison as our next Head Softball Coach! Lee has been with the program for many years and most recently was acting Head Coach at the conclusion of last season.
Please join us in welcoming Vincent Manetti as our new Head Baseball Coach! Coach Manetti is currently an assistant with the football program and served as JV Baseball Head Coach last season.
Attention Bulldogs!
For juniors and seniors and their parents who are brand new to dual enrollment to learn about:
* Class Options
* Payment Options
* AP classes vs. Dual Enrollment
Tuesday, October 17th at 6 pm
Register to receive Zoom link:
Wednesday, November 8th at 6 pm
Register to receive Zoom link:
Please click below to read Mr. Spiker's newsletter. We are Bulldogs! #NCHSfamily
Tonight's final scores!
The week of October 16-19 NCHS will celebrate Maryland College Application Week. Whether you are a senior applying to college or an underclassman just starting to research your options, we will give you the opportunity to learn about the college application process next week.
Girls Soccer final!
Boys Soccer final!
Today the Golf Team competed at the District Championship/State Qualifier. Congratulations to Taryn Brandt (86) and Will Davis (83) on qualifying for the state tournament. They will represent NCHS at the University of Maryland in two weeks. Also, congratulations to Taryn Brandt for making First Team for the Bayside and taking Female Player of the Year. Will Davis also made the Second Team for the Bayside. Great job!
On Monday, October 2nd, 11 CCPS students attended MBRT's first-ever Industry Day at McCormick Global Headquarters. Here, students had the opportunity to learn about different careers at McCormick, and participate in hands-on break-out sessions with flavorists, sensory scientists, and culinary development chefs.
Following the festivities of Industry Day, students then attended the MBRT Annual Meeting, where they observed how different community partners make Maryland Business Roundtable for Education all that we are! They had the opportunity to hear from Maryland's Lt. Governor, Aruna Miller, as well as the viral Chef Stretch! In all, it was a great day filled with learning, connection, and exposure to career options within the state of Maryland.
Last night our homecoming festivities came to an end and our bulldogs were glowing. We are! #NCHSfamily #hoco2023
It was a homecoming win for the Bulldogs! We Are! #hoco2023 #NCHSfamily
We are Bulldogs! #hoco2023 #peprally
Football final score!
Meet the Homecoming Court 2023
Meet the Homecoming Court 2023
Meet the Homecoming Court 2023
Tonight Boys Soccer final.
Tonight's athletics results.